And now for the unsolicited advice. "You know, you are going to have a really difficult time weaning him now that you've nursed beyond a year."
Not only was this advice unsolicited, such talk should be banned. No mother who has just successfully breastfed her child beyond a year while working full time should be told anything that might damage her future breastfeeding relationship. Were I anyone but myself I could have been scared. I could have thought "I'd better start weaning now if it's only going to get harder as he gets older." Thank goodness I have my own experience and knowledge as well as the support of several extended BF'ers and one supermom who will, no doubt, breastfeed beyond toddler-hood.
I simply looked this person in the face and calmly said "No, I expect it will be quite easy. W will most likely naturally wean whenever he is ready, sometime between 2 and 3 years."
Why is it that in this society, now that breastfeeding is becoming the norm, do we push for a weaning deadline? Why do we begin to ask mothers when their babies are 6 months, 9 months, 12 months "When are you planning to wean?" One of my favorite responses to this question is that a child should not be weaned until you can have an intelligent conversation with them about what is happening. Most children will wean themselves. Some need a little encouragement. But no child should be forced from the breast. Then end of the breastfeeding relationship should be celebrated and rejoiced.
"Weaning is not a negative term, nor is it something that you do to a child. Weaning is a journey from one relationship to another. The Hebrew word for wean is gamal, meaning "to ripen." In ancient times, when children were breastfed until two or three years of age, it was a joyous occasion when a child weaned. It meant the child was filled with the basic tools of the earlier stages of development and secure and ready to enter the next stage of development." Dr. Sears
"And the child grew and was weaned. And Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned." Genesis 21:8