Discussion Board post: My daughter will be turning two in a little over a month. I have read in several places that when they turn two you are supposed to switch them to lowfat milk. Really? I'm worried that she really needs the extra fat in the whole milk still. She drinks 1% milk at Friendly's so I know she will accept it, I'm not worried about that at all, but I don't want to rob her of nutrition she might need. I know the pediatrician will tell me to switch her, especially since my daughter is in the 75th percentile for weight. Anybody who didn't switch their child to lowfat milk at age 2?
Answer from Lactavist and Super-Mom Rebecca: (no, I didn't actually post this) I read somewhere that when you child is one you can switch them to cow's milk (it had better be whole) and at 2 you can cut back to 2% (you don't want them getting fat). What do you think about keeping your kid on 'whole human milk' for as long as they need those added nutrients? I'm pretty sure it has all of the correct nutrition and fat content levels. BTW – did you know that most adult humans are intolerant to cow's milk? I think that means we no longer need those nutrients from milk and we can get our calcium, etc. from other, ie vegetable, sources. I'm sure most kids will accept cow's milk in any form (especially when you add chocolate or strawberry syrup to make it as sweet as human milk is naturally) but you really don't want to rob them of the nutrition they might need up to age 4 or 5. I know that your pediatrician may tell you 'it's time to wean' but if they do, you should report them to the AAP who recommend BF until 2 years (and after as long as mutually desired) and then you should find a new pediatrician. Anyone who didn't switch their child to cow's milk (at any age)?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Your 2-month-old, Week 4
Baby Center has a "does your baby sleep with you" poll. Guess what. More babies "always" sleep with their parents than "never," but it's interesting how it's almost 1/3 each: always, occasionally, never.
This was interesting -
Babies who tend to keep their head in the same position, rub it against the mattress, or bang it against the side of their crib may have more hair loss.
Bang it against the side of the crib??? I'm thinking a baby who does that might have more issues than just a bald spot!!
Dear BabyCenter,
I'm not worried about why my baby has a flat spot on the back of his head. He doesn't. But if he did, it's not because of sleeping on his back at night, as you suggest. It's more likely from sleeping on his back at night, then being on his back in his bouncy seat, laying on his back on the couch beside me while I hold his bottle in one hand and my IPad in the other, then laying on his back under his jungle themed play arches, then napping on his back in his pack-n-play, then reclining on his back in his carseat to the mall, then being snapped into the "travel system" stroller to walk around the mall, then riding home in the carseat with his cool "bottle prop," then going back to bed to sleep on his back. Did you know, BabyCenter, that the average American baby is only held about 2.5 hrs per day? Maybe that's the cause of this "positional plagiocephaly." And maybe the solution is not more tummy time. Maybe the solution is babywearing. Carrying. Cuddling. Less hands off and more hands on.
Just a thought, BabyCenter. Just a thought.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Parents Magazine April 2011
Parents magazine april 2011: "leashes are for dogs, not kids. You wouldn't put your child in a crate, or let him poop on the sidewalk, right? If you have a bolter, invest in a cheap umbrella stroller with a buckle.."
Also, thanks for your article: is your child gifted or just smart. The descriptions were just vague enough to apply to 75% of readers. And the other 25% will go on to think their kids are "just smart". Let's think realistically. I understand that each child is special and perfect in his or her own way, but you are encouraging parents to over look other talents in favor of "smarts" that the child may or may not have. A better indication of your child's genius potential? Were you and your partner gifted, smart or just plain "average"?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A Conversation About Oversupply.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association has a booklet called "Too Much" that talks about oversupply issues. Imagine if we in America starting giving women the idea that they could possibly produce too much milk, instead of constantly telling them they won't produce enough??
Well… I know that problem first hand. I had classic over-supply and overactive MER. What really boggles my mind is that you always hear about women who 'couldn't do it' or couldn't make enough milk, etc... but women don't shout out, "Breastfeeding was easy for me!" because they don't want to make the women who couldn't cut it feel bad – so a lot of people are only hearing the negatives.
I completely understand what you are saying about women saying breastfeeding is easy – I feel bad when people ask "how it's going," and I can only say, "It's the easiest and most natural thing I've ever done." And when my friends ask about your breastfeeding, and I tell them you are still going strong, they are just like, "Wow. She can produce enough to satisfy your nephew? " And now, people are starting to tell me that I won't be able to keep up with E's appetite because he's so big. I've always been frustrated by how we (American society) constantly tell women their bodies aren't good enough, but now I get super angry by it. Don't tell me I won't be able to feed my child. Of course I will.. He's my guy and my body knows him and his appetite and we are perfect together.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association has a booklet called "Too Much" that talks about oversupply issues. Imagine if we in America starting giving women the idea that they could possibly produce too much milk, instead of constantly telling them they won't produce enough??
Well… I know that problem first hand. I had classic over-supply and overactive MER. What really boggles my mind is that you always hear about women who 'couldn't do it' or couldn't make enough milk, etc... but women don't shout out, "Breastfeeding was easy for me!" because they don't want to make the women who couldn't cut it feel bad – so a lot of people are only hearing the negatives.
I completely understand what you are saying about women saying breastfeeding is easy – I feel bad when people ask "how it's going," and I can only say, "It's the easiest and most natural thing I've ever done." And when my friends ask about your breastfeeding, and I tell them you are still going strong, they are just like, "Wow. She can produce enough to satisfy your nephew? " And now, people are starting to tell me that I won't be able to keep up with E's appetite because he's so big. I've always been frustrated by how we (American society) constantly tell women their bodies aren't good enough, but now I get super angry by it. Don't tell me I won't be able to feed my child. Of course I will.. He's my guy and my body knows him and his appetite and we are perfect together.
I have always been upset by women who aren't tall enough, skinny enough, etc. etc. and now this also.
But, yes, I can produce not just enough milk to satisfy my 24 lb chubber, I have enough left over for the freezer. Did I tell you about the woman who said, "Are you still nursing him? He's so big, he's going to just wear you away." No, actually, I do just fine, thank you! Yes, I eat everything in sight and yes, I'm about the size that I was in high school but I'm not unhealthy and my body has responded perfectly to him (and clearly he is thriving). It's like telling a pregnant woman to 'be careful, you may not be able to grow that baby' – seriously? We are well-designed.
Don't feel bad about telling people things are going well for you – or for me. I would love for people to know that I'm still breastfeeding at 9 months and have no plans of stopping.
But, yes, I can produce not just enough milk to satisfy my 24 lb chubber, I have enough left over for the freezer. Did I tell you about the woman who said, "Are you still nursing him? He's so big, he's going to just wear you away." No, actually, I do just fine, thank you! Yes, I eat everything in sight and yes, I'm about the size that I was in high school but I'm not unhealthy and my body has responded perfectly to him (and clearly he is thriving). It's like telling a pregnant woman to 'be careful, you may not be able to grow that baby' – seriously? We are well-designed.
Don't feel bad about telling people things are going well for you – or for me. I would love for people to know that I'm still breastfeeding at 9 months and have no plans of stopping.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
BabyCenter's "Doctor Moms Tell All"
Q: I can't make a bottle fast enough for my crying baby. Shortcuts?
Dr. A: fill a pitcher with formula and pour it into bottles as needed, or make several bottles in the morning
Dr. B: plan ahead & use premeasured formula packets, don't worry about warming
Dr. C: sometimes you can't be a magician, and you don't want your baby to cry too long. but don't be too hard on yourself, just go as fast as you can.
Dr. SuperMom the lactivist: Learn your baby's early hunger cues so s/he doesn't have to resort to crying. breasts don't have to be made, they are instantly ready and always warm. Do yourself and your baby a favor and breastfeed.
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